Duties of the Board

The Board of Directors is made up of elected and appointed individuals who are responsible for running the organization by adhering to the Bylaws and Standards adopted by the organization.

 President – Will serve as a spokesperson and coordinator for the organization

  • Prepares the agenda of all TxGAP meetings.

  • Presides at all meetings of the Chapter Board and Executive Committees.

  • Serves as an ex-officio member on all committees.

  • Cultivate partnerships with all stakeholders in graduate enrollment management

  • Appoint individual(s) to fill any vacated position(s) on the Chapter Board through the end of the current term of office.

  • Serves as liaison to NAGAP, particularly to its Membership Chair.

  • Presents the annual report to NAGAP by April 30 each year.

  • Attends two TxGAP state-wide meetings per year.

Vice President – Will assist the President in coordinating activities for the organization

  • Presides at any meeting of the Chapter Board in the absence of the President.

  • Assumes the position of President of the Chapter in the event that the President shall leave office prior to the completion of the current term.

  • Serves as program chair for any TxGAP meetings and activities

  • Oversees all committee activities and reviews committee annual reports

  • Assumes other duties as directed by the President.

  • Attends two TxGAP state-wide meetings per year.

Secretary – Will create and maintain records for the organization

  • Takes minutes of all meetings of the Chapter and distributes to membership as appropriate.

  • Maintains all official records of the Chapter, including archives and annual report to NAGAP.

  • Sends out all necessary notices of meetings and other pertinent information to members.

  • Assumes other duties as directed by the President.

  • Attends two TxGAP state-wide meetings per year.

Treasurer – Will assume responsibility for financial matters and maintain the paid membership list of the organization

  • Evaluate the membership fee structure for the Chapter.

  • Collects fees from members and keeps an accounting of Chapter funds.

  • Maintains a current membership list of TxGAP members.

  • Prepares a treasurer’s report for each TxGAP meeting.

  • Prepares an annual financial report for NAGAP.

  • File an IRS form 990EZ or 990N with the IRS by November 15 each year. If gross receipts are less than $50,000 in subsequent years, the chapter can file a 990N (e-postcard) online.

  • Pays bills incurred by TxGAP and thus has signatory authority for financial purposes.

  • Assumes other duties as directed by the President.

  • Attends two TxGAP state-wide meetings per year.

Immediate Past President – Will serve as a special advisor to the President and the Governing Board for one year following the presidency.

  • Attend Business and Governing Board meetings.

  • Cultivate partnerships and engage in intentional relationship-building with stakeholders in graduate enrollment management.

  • Assume other responsibilities as directed by the President.